Advertising & Marketing
When I first got into marketing, I envisioned my days being like an episode of Bosom Buddies (youtube it!) Just me and my BFF, tossing a ball back and forth across our desks as we came up with brilliant ad campaigns and catchy slogans. It’s not EXACTLY like that… but somedays are!
Anywhere you can imagine information appearing about your business, we can make it appear for you. From ads in newspapers, magazines or event brochures to billboards, to awesome tradeshow booths and the coolest folders and displays of your company’s wares- we design it all!

How Do We Do It?
If you’ve read through the other pages of this site, you will notice by now that we really like sitting down and talking with you. That’s the first step of any project, and in-person is SO much better than anything else. You can come to hang out at our cool ping pong conference table while our office puppy sleeps underneath, or we can come to you – or we can meet somewhere in between! But the first step is always meeting up and talking.
We will brainstorm together and throw ideas back and forth with you, and by the end of the meeting Todd will probably already have an image in his head and Cheryl will already have taglines.
We will go back to the drawing board (literally! Ha!) and begin creating your visually exquisite, one of a kind marketing pieces- be it your business card, a beautifully crafted brochure, or an outdoor display to announce your latest show.
Once you see and love the designs, we will get the files set up and sent off to where they need to be: to our printers, or to the publication, or to you directly to use digitally- so many options! We’ll oversee the production and quality control the final piece and present it to you with a flourish. Voila!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
Maya Angelou