Project Details
- Industry
- Manufacturer
- Software Used
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Services Provided
- Advertising & Marketing
- Brochure Folders Creative
- Graphic Design
- Layout Design
- Printing
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TBP needed updated brochures and sell sheets for their salesmen to provide clients with information on the vast number of products and services that they can offer. We had just completed updating both websites with unique looks, and the brochures and other collateral needed to reflect the new designs. They wanted a cool looking tangible piece for their salesmen to be able to leave behind with clients.
There is a lot of technical information and specs for a large number of products, and we needed to not only update the overall look with a modern sleek feel, but also find a way to incorporate the information in a way that looks appealing and easy to read.
The result is a collection of beautifully branded sales pieces with cohesive look and design, that also reflects the new website design. Some pieces are up to 16 pages, some are one page sell sheets, each showcasing a specific market and the different manufactures.

“If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat and tears.”
Simon Sinek